Saturday, February 19, 2011

CHANGE: It Starts With Me

In this world of progress, we need to improve, we need to develop in order to cope up with the transformation of the new world, and in order to do this, we must change. But where do we start?
If we want change, we should not wait for it, we must take action, make the move, start the change, and if all of us think this way, the change will be fast, even though we start with small changes, little by little we will achieve what we want, if we work together towards the change we want, the change we need, we can achieve it in no time.
Start with yourself, convince, persuade others, work together and achieve the great change, towards development and progress

I'll Be

Ten years from now, how do you see yourself? Some of us answer that they'll be doctors, some lawyers, others say they'll be teachers, still others answer that they'll be tourist guides, but when my turn comes to answer, I think to myself and ponder on these words, "what do I really want to be?"
Ever since I learned to make ambitions, I had many dreams. When I was a kid, I wanted to become a basketball player, but as I grew and learned, I felt the calling to priesthood, and that was what I thought but I was wrong. I tried entering the minor seminary but due to some problems, i didn't enter, then just last December, I took an entrance exam to a major seminary, but my parents didn't support me so I decided to give priesthood up, instead, I am following what my mother wants me to be, a CPA.
Even though I am not that good with numbers, I am trying my best to learn and love accounting and maybe someday become a CPA, have a family with the girl I love and travel around the world.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Bigueños Time

The streets are filled with people, colorful decorations are hanged everywhere, music echoes in the air and a smile is on every face. Its the time to celebrate. Viva Vigan.
January 25 started off early with the grand parade where schools, organizations and companies paraded on their floats around Vigan. I was infront of the parade, bearing the national col;or alongside other school's CAT officers, PNP and the army.After the parade, other events kicked-off but i was not able to join and watch because I had my training.
The streets were busy, fast food chains were full but with all this commotion, happiness was in every Bigueños heart. Viva Vigan Festival.